Travel information

travel dates and info-session
how to book
number of participants
book in time
travel conditions
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The traveldates for the planned workshops to The Gambia in the coming season are (under restriction):
From mid-2016 Ba Jammung will present new music voyages. Under this new scheme, even those who can't (or do not want to) perform music are encourages to travel with us.


Please let us know if you wish to have more information. We will be glad to organise an info session at a for you convenient moment.



The price for the total package is € 1445. Not included are:
Insurances (cancelling insurance, travelinsurance etc.)
Vaccinations and other medical precautions
Costs for drinks, tips, souvenirs, entrance fees for musea and national parks (± € 200)
Transfer from your residence to the airport of departure and back.




You can book a workshop by filling and signing a bookingform and sent this to our postadress. As soon as you have booked we will sent you a confirmation and a bill for 10 % of the total price, which is to be paid immediately. Next you will receive a bill cocerning the other 90 %, that has to be paid 8 weeks before departure. One week before departure we will sent you the tickets and all other information concerning this workshop.

You can ask for bookingforms by post, by phone and by email:
Carel van Rijn
Parkstraat 98
6828 JL Arnhem
tel. 026-4425591
You are welcome to attend an info-session!


Number of participants

The minimum amount of participants for a workshop is 4, because otherwise the costs will be too high. Should this amount not be reached ,so we are forced to cancel the trip, you will be informed about this at the latest 8 weeks before departure.. The already paid amount of money will then be refunded by us immediately.


Book in time

Since our workshops are planned during or around schoolholidays we advise you to book in time.The number of direct flights to The Gambia is limited.

terug naar boven


A cancelation insurance is at your own responsibility, as is a travel insurance. We advise you to contact your heathinsurance company concerning cover in The Gambia.



We advise you to contact the health organisation in your residence concerning vaccinations and other medical precautions around 6 weeks before departure.

Travel conditions

Our package tours fall inside the general travelconditions of the ANVR, the Dutch coordinating organisation for the whole travelbranche. You can apply for a brochure, in which the general travelconditions are formulated.


Information and bookings:

Carel van Rijn 
Parkstraat 98 
6828 JL Arnhem 
tel. 026-4425591 

All prices and information mentioned are under restriction

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